Wednesday, January 16, 2008


John is a wonderful cook, luckily so or my family would have starved this month so far, and he's whipped up some very tasty spaghetti (I think his secret ingredient is carrot juice) and last night some ratatouille with oven-fried chicken and pasta and some incredible pears accompanied by Genesis cabernet sauvignon.


Last night at the Juneau Arts & Humanities board meeting of all places, we had such a treat!

It was my admin assistant's birthday, and mid-way through, she sidled up and asked to be excused for a minute, she had planned a "yummy dessert for the board". An understatement! We were treated to fresh bananas in a creamy caramel and Cointreau sauce, with yogurt and walnuts on top and it was to die for. She said it was a tradition on birthdays in her family (she is from Norway) My mission for today is to get the recipe and post if for you. The cookbook was there, and several of us thought to copy the recipe last night, but our Norwegian was rusty, so stay tuned.

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