Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Leftovers. The Twit.

We've been eating pretty well lately - fresh winter king, lamb of God (a wonderful roast), ham of God (Jerry's meats, they make the best), and now poor John is sent away to Paso Robles to drink fabulous wines all expenses paid, what was I thinking with this non-profit arts gig?
So, Alaska Folk Fest holding no charm for me (Hunter? Deb? Are you here?) I came home and faced the frig.
I think it's the leftover potato/sweet potato/red pepper melange that Lynn made for Easter that was DELICIOUS (went well with H.O.G.), the last bit of lamb roast on a bed of sauteed eggplant with garlic, lemon zest and lemon juice and a hefty grind of black pepper, the left over red butter lettuce salad - there is nothing better than sourdough croutons soaked over night in garlic vinaigrette, and the rest of the fruit salad from last night: apples, grapefruit, bananas, mango, blood orange and strawberry. Whew. Was that one sentence? Luckily, the absent wine pimp left 1/2 bottle of Veramonte - so it isn't red but it is delicious.
I am still "struggling" through the Stoneridge Creamery vanilla. Just add mini choco chips.
Tomorrow? Probably winter king with capellini, the official chick pasta. Maybe some baby bok choy. A raid on the warehouse for provisions for the week.
I'll Twitter about it.
What did you have?

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