Early this summer that never happened, Henry had wanted to have our long-time, known them since before babies, raised the kids together, friends over once all the kids were home from college. Somehow the summer slithered past, and it is already time for the kids to go back to college, so we rallied a back-to-school gathering. Pretended it was summer, had a big stack of oven-fried chicken, potato salad, a big green salad, Joan brought a rhubarb crisp, Greg brought corn bread, Sarah made wonderful couscous salad, and I looked around the table at these big handsome/charmingly beautiful young people and remembered my grandmother saying what she was proudest of was that she had raised seven kids to adulthood. Amen!
It is amazing to think that we have been having dinner with these folks (the parents anyway) for close to 25 years or so.
PS, the young man in blond is "the" young man in Ren's life.
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