Friday, October 26, 2007

Shellfish...trefe by an other name would still be trefe

I often joke to Hunter that I am going to Hell on a Deuteronomy rap. I love shellfish. Some more that others but by and large I crave the stuff.

Last night I got some spot prawns out of the freezer that I had bought fresh right off the boat in the harbor. They freeze pretty well. I sauteed them with garlic, sliced onions, sliced celery and sliced fennel and put it over fettuccine. I am going to save my discussion on why some people prefer certain shapes of pasta for another time.

Goeduck. Wow. I don't think I had ever seen a goeduck until Nancy and I moved to Seattle in the early 80's. You have to admit that they are a little daunting to look at. I honestly can't say if I have ever cooked one and I am not sure that I have ever intentionally eaten one, but I wouldn't turn it down.

1 comment:

Ali and Shaz said...

But pasta of different shapes can be aesthetically pleasing and fun! ...isn't that reason enough?